About this website
Not since Queen Victoria in the 1800s had anyone (or anything) done more to draw the World’s attention to the Isle of Wight than the original Isle of Wight “Pop” Festivals (1968-1970). The history of these truly remarkable events is now better documented than ever before, with many published accounts widely available, together with a wealth of film footage of the final event (“The Last Great Event”) trickling out since the (long-overdue) release of Murray Learner’s movie “Message To Love” in 1996 (artists such as The Who, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors and Joni Mitchell etc. all now have their own “Live at The Isle of Wight” DVDs).
Memorabilia from those festivals is both very collectible and very desirable, however until now there has been no definitive record available of all the wonderful artefacts that are still in existence; not one central repository where they could be catalogued and documented comprehensively, and made available for other people to reference, marvel at, and enjoy.
This website hopes to provide such a single reference point for anyone that’s interested. Its contents can never be assuredly complete, as new things, previously squirrelled away and out of the public eye for years, tend to surface every now and again. But we very much hope that if anyone else out there owns any memorabilia that is unintentionally omitted from this website, then please get in touch so that we can consider including those items too.
A page on this website is dedicated to each of the three festivals, and relates to memorabilia that was officially produced by the festival organisers (Fiery Creations Ltd) themselves. A further page is dedicated to associated rarities and curios that relate directly to the festivals, but which were not produced by the organisers in any official capacity.
A big thank you to my fellow collector friends for kindly providing me with photos of some of their treasures, helping to fill in the gaps - Dave, Tom etc. You know who you are.
All information provided is accurate to the best of our knowledge, but we welcome your feedback, comments, or suggestions.